She recently tied the knot on 20.09.2009, and the world of bachelors suffers for it.
When we left Singapore for our year-long trip on 28th March, Jasmine met us at the airport because she happened to have a flight to catch a few hours later. As we bade fond farewells to each other, she handed me a red packet with 2 sticks of lip balm and a love note.
It was a note that said that she would miss us. It was a note that said good luck, and enjoy yourselves! It was a note that said "The United States of America - One Hundred Dollars".
Good stuff.
Of course, after the initial wave of shock at such generosity, I had to revert to type and crack a joke about the two sticks of lip balm. "One for the mouth, one for the ass, is it?"
Jasmine surprised us by nodding seriously.
"Look at the note inside."
"I looked at the note already! But if you're telling me that I need to stick this somewhere to earn the USD 100... Oh. Oh... there IS another note.
Jasmine earnestly explained to me,"See, if you get haemorrhoids, you can use the second stick. Don't use the same stick!"
Thing is, when I first received the gift, I really had no idea what to make of it. I don't wear lip balm! But since then, I have had a 180-degree change in attitude.
Forever Living's Aloe Lips with jojoba is probably one of the more versatile gifts that we have received.
As a lip balm, it has been absolutely essential since we set foot in South America. Why? Because the only other alternative to moisturising our lips is by drinking. And there are just times where we would not want to drink more than necessary. Long 8-hour bus rides, for example. Or even long rambles nature parks where we have to conserve what water we have. Alternative? Lip balm, of course.
But why Aloe Lips?
Simply because the first ingredient in Aloe Lips is the highest grade aloe vera suitable for human consumption, and this aloe vera soothes the chapped lips so well, bringing instant relief.
The second ingredient in Aloe Lips is jojoba oil. Now, jojoba oil has properties that allow it to be used as a moisturiser, lip balm and countless other skin products. This is because jojoba oil is the one naturally occurring compound that is the most similar to human skin oil. So what your body is unable to produce, jojoba can be used as a supplement!
Since we are both relatively healthy individuals with no signs of hemorrhoids, we also tested Aloe Lips on insect bites. Now, as far as anti-itching is concerned, it does not seem to work that well. When we suffered insect bites in Florida and the Bahamas, the wife eventually caved in and bought calamine lotion, because she needed some relief from the itchiness.
I was able to use my latent Jedi powers to trick my mind into ignoring the itches, and just applied a bit of Aloe Lips on the bites. And we did observe that the icky little bumps disappeared faster on me! Amazing!
So, get your Forever Aloe Lips if you are planning to travel. Heck, get it even if you are not traveling. As the 2nd note said, this is a great secret weapon in your pocket. Contact Jasmine by clicking here or emailing her at today!
I wanna to say hi to jasmine, She is very beautiful. I wanna to find out this product.
Hi forex course,
It IS a good product! And Jasmine is beautiful. But remember, she is no longer available! Haha!
Wah... such a big face of me...
don't you have a smaller pic??
:) Anyway, thanks for calling me on my wedding day! super surprised!!!
I am so excited.
hug hug...
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