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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Forever fans of Forever Aloe Gelly

Way back in 2007, the wife and I organised a dive trip to Mabul/Sipadan with our friends (miss you guys and gals!).

A few of the pals who were diving with us. L to R: Sue-Anne, Wifey, Nick, Jasmine, Randy. I'm in front.

After spending days in the very hot sun, you could smell the crispiness of charred flesh whenever you walked past us. Our skins were so inflamed that no amount of soaking in the pool could cool us off. Except for Jasmine, that is.

Sue-Anne, a pained, tortured wreck of the woman she once was, begged Jasmine to let her in on her secret. And within a few hours, Sue-Anne was smiling as serenely as Jasmine.

Clued in to something incredible, the rest of us found that Jasmine was using Forever Aloe Vera Gelly to soothe her skin, and prevent it from burning in the sun. We all shamelessly used it as well, and before you knew it, we were a bunch of happy divers again!

Since then, Forever Aloe Vera Gelly has featured in our cache of items to standby whenever we go swimming, diving, wakeboarding or chilling at Sentosa. It is therefore no surprise that Forever Aloe Vera Gelly now features prominently in our trip. After all, we did spend 4 consecutive days on the beaches of Miami, before going down to Key Largo for another 2 days on another beach! (As I'm writing this post, I've already spent the past week on the beaches of the Bahamas! And we still have no sunburns or peeling skin! Power!)

What makes this Aloe Vera Gelly different from all the rest we've tried before is probably the type and concentration of aloe vera in it. Like coffee, aloe vera comes in many different sub-species and grades. Forever uses Aloe barbadensis Miller, which is the best of the aloe vera that is approved for use by the FDA and USDA.

Forever Aloe Vera Gelly = Forever Lifesaver

You could go around the resorts that you're staying in and chop off the leaves of the aloe vera plants here to get your aloe vera, but then you'd need to lop off new leaves every 48 hours as the nutrients dissipate.

Yilin really chopped this off at our resort in the Bahamas!

Forever has the nutrients of the plant locked down in a stabilising transparent gel using their patented technology.

The value you get in Forever Aloe Vera Gelly is made obvious by looking at the list of ingredients. Under the Fair Packaging and Labelling Act, ingredients have to be listed in order of highest to lowest concentrations. Most other aloe vera products seem to have water or oil as the ingredient with highest concentration, whereas Forever Aloe Vera Gelly has aloe vera as the first product, so you really get what you pay for!

How to use Forever Aloe Vera Gelly

While the Gelly can be used as is, we have found that relief is a dish best served cold. So, chuck it in the fridge!

1) You've just spent a day in the sun. Go take a shower first!
2) Remove tube of Forever Aloe Vera from fridge (if you did not place in fridge, skip to step 3)
3) Apply on parts of body that have had longer exposure to the sun. This probably means your forehead, face, shoulders and forearms.

♪ Metro, metro man... I wanna be, a metro man!

4) Find someone who loves you enough to rubba you.
5) That someone should help you spread and apply the Gelly all over your back, or any other hard-to-reach parts. It's much better when your special someone has a knack for massage. Yes, Yi Lin is a very lucky woman. Sigh. :)

Wei.... spread it properly lahh....

6) Breathe out a contented sigh of relief. Ahhhhhhhhhhh..........
7) Say "Shiok-a-doo-doo"

The Gelly does leave a slightly sticky feeling, but it disappears after awhile. Small price to pay for not shedding little skin-flakes at work over the next few days!

If anyone is interested in getting some Aloe Vera Gelly for yourself, please feel free to contact my friend Jasmine by clicking here or emailing her at jasjas.ng@gmail.com. She's a skincare specialist, and will treat you right if you let her know that Dannie sent you.

p.s: Jasmine assures me that the Gelly is also good for diminishing inflammations, burns, cuts, insect bites, itchiness, rashes, haemorrhoid, eczema, mouth ulcers and pimples/acne. Haven't tried out on these situations yet, but I trust her. :)


annant said...

*wave* hihi
dropping by for da first time ;)
u should have posted this earlier...as i got really bad sunburn form my trip to mataking island :( pealing and dark skin T-T

plan to take diving license next year ;)
have heard so muchy of breathtaking n spectacular underwater world!

Dannie said...

Hi annant,

Ooh... sunburns suck. And I dunno about you, but the skin shedding makes me so conscious that someone might say that I have dandruff!

Well, better late than never, you should get some of this Aloe Vera Gelly to standby. It's really good!

And dive safe, when you start next year!

2n said...

oh..i'm so pleased to have a cameo role in your blog! yes, the gelly is a miracle! btw...jasimini made me use it cos i think she was sick of seeing a peeling roomie leaving bits of skin all ard..;)

Dannie said...

Hey 2n,

Haha.. yeah, you remember that gelly too, huh? :)

Hey, now that you have time on your hands, come join us in South America lah... it's easy on the pocket (by all accounts) but not so easy on the time. So should suit you perfectly! Then you can move on to a starring role in the blog too. :)

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