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Monday, May 18, 2009

About Food and Germs

This is an entry that I was literally BUGGED to do.

As mentioned in an earlier post, we came into this kawaii shop along Walnut Street and the wife was tickled pink by the GIANTMicrobes soft toys.

At USD 8.95 each, this is not "germ-free"

Okay, I was pretty amused too, and frankly, these are really interesting toys for the science geek in all of us. Now you can easily remember what these various cells, viruses and other microbes look like under the microscope!

From phat to fat

"Gimme a P! Gimme an I!...."

Nonono... it's big algae, not Big Gay Al

Halitosis - an anagram for Hail to Sis!

*ahem ahem* Don't forget me! *ahem ahem*

You get this is you don't behiv...

Herpes are so cute! I want!

It's a good thing that we had our brunch before coming in contact with all these germs. I mean, we're meeting my in-laws in a few days' time. Wouldn't want them in all sorts of quarantine, eh?

Pictures from Pamela's (also known as what Aini and Niccole missed):

Sunny-side ups with home fries

Blueberry Hotcakes

Strawberry hotcakes

Once again, thanks to Fadzuli and Hannah for putting us up at their place and bringing us around. It was also great to meet the great friends my cousin made during his time here. Cheers and shoutouts to Marlos, Tedo, Iris & Sam too. You guys rock.

Fadzuli and Hannah


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